Thursday, September 27, 2007

Completely Random Movie Review: Kung Fu Hustle

Wow this completely random thing is growing pretty quickly...

I was intrigued when this movie first came out, mostly because it looked like nothing else I had ever really seen. I do love anything that's unique, so I had wanted to see it for a while, but never actually got around to it, until a few days ago, and man, wow, am I glad I did.

It was AMAZING, so off the wall funny, weird, with some great kung-fu thrown in to boot. The story and dialogue and everything was just so perfectly cheesy and strange, I couldn't take my eyes away.

Steven Chow is a seriously groundbreaking director, and I would recommend this to anyone that loves kung-fu and quirky humour, which I sincerely hope is many of you, because if not, I recommend going to the doctor, and I mean right now, because something is wrong there...

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