Thursday, September 27, 2007

Completely Random Movie Review: Kung Fu Hustle

Wow this completely random thing is growing pretty quickly...

I was intrigued when this movie first came out, mostly because it looked like nothing else I had ever really seen. I do love anything that's unique, so I had wanted to see it for a while, but never actually got around to it, until a few days ago, and man, wow, am I glad I did.

It was AMAZING, so off the wall funny, weird, with some great kung-fu thrown in to boot. The story and dialogue and everything was just so perfectly cheesy and strange, I couldn't take my eyes away.

Steven Chow is a seriously groundbreaking director, and I would recommend this to anyone that loves kung-fu and quirky humour, which I sincerely hope is many of you, because if not, I recommend going to the doctor, and I mean right now, because something is wrong there...

Completely Random Book Review: The Hobbit

This may turn into a new section here at the Review, where I recap something I read, saw, heard about, etc, that essentially has very little to do with what I normally write about here, i.e., television.

I just finished reading, for the first time actually, The Hobbit, by Tolkien, and I must say, it was an immensely, and surprisingly, entertaining read. Now generally, I'm not much for wizards, and magic, and goblins and such, but it is my lady friend's favorite book. And she had just come off of reading one of my all-time favorites, Slaughter-House Five by Kurt Vonnegut (If you want a great, quirky read, I can't recommend anything better) So I felt as if I owed her one and grudgingly picked up the tale of the wizard and the goblins and the magic...and I loved it.

Tolkien has such an amazing style, like he's telling you the story personally, and the way he brought everything to life was just amazing. It was like you could tell that he took a very long time to perfect this little world he had created, and knew everything about it so perfectly, and relayed it in such a way that you felt as if it were real.

As I said, I've never been one for this type of fiction, and I never even watched the 2nd and 3rd Lord of the Rings movies, because, it just didn't do it for me. But now, I'll be cracking into the Fellowship of the Ring before I can even snap my fingers, because Tolkien just drew me right in, and I really can't say I'm sad about that...